A love discovered in Japan!
Since being in Japan I have discovered my love for..........chocolate milk. I don't know what it is, but the smooth chocolaty taste of chocolate milk in my mouth is amazing. Before I came to Japan, I wasn't a huge fan of chocolate milk. I mean I liked it, but it wasn't something that I drank very often. However, that changed when I came to Japan. I don't really know how it started or where my first taste of such goodness occurred, but after the first couple of glasses of chocolate milk I was hooked. Almost every shopping list that I give to Louise has chocolate milk on it and if it doesn't, her or Nate will ask me if I still want it. Normally, the answer is “Sure, if you must.”
Many of you know that on Thursday nights we drive out to Ikego for youth group. It’s about a half hour drive out to Ikego and Nate and I always have fun conversation on the way over there. Q2, the name of our youth group in Ikego, is awesome right now and really is a highlight of my week. I always look forward to going there because the group of students that come are a lot of fun. They are asking really good questions right now and just have a lot of excitement when we play games and when we study God's Word. It has been cool to see each of them grow as individuals as they learn more about God.
A confession that I have and Nate can attest to this also, is that I also look forward to Thursday nights because I get to have chocolate milk. The little shoppette there always has chocolate milk (Well not every single time. One time I went there and they didn't have it and I almost cried. j/k) and its such a great snack before youth group. I also enjoy buying an extra one to stash in the refrigerator where our youth group is to bring home with me after. Many of the people at the Lighthouse have become fans of chocolate milk because of what I have shared with them, but all of them know not to touch my chocolate milk because I always write a big, "JEREMY'S: DON'T TOUCH!" Its necessary to write this because my food is in the big refrigerator and anyone can grab it at any time and get away with it. When my sister came and visited we went through a couple of cartons of chocolate milk and she too agrees that it is very good. I already told my mom that she will need to put chocolate milk on her shopping lists when I return home. If she doesn't though, I think that I will buy it myself. Wow, I didn't know I had very much to say about chocolate milk. It's good. You should try it sometime. But make sure you get the "California Sunshine Ultrafresh" kind because it’s the best!
Oh ya...Chocolate milk baby...umm...umm goodness!!
-your sister who is now a fan :)
You forgot to tell about the times that you walk into the "world famous" Club Takemaya and order 2 HUGE glasses of Chocolate Milk and the look the dude always gives you...priceless.
they have chocolate milk here on tap at messiah college. Pretty much every meal i have a huge glass. It is amazing. good good times.
Germ lately when I get stuff to drink I get Chocolate milk too.
It's sooo good. Thats funny that your so hooked to it.
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