Sunday, October 01, 2006

Japan's amazing, technologically advanced cell phones...

I have been asked a couple of times to take pictures of my cell phone. So here it is, my amazing cell phone. It is fantastic if you can't tell. Well actually it is not really that cool. It's just another cell phone, except this one I don't know how to use about a quarter of its functions. We had to download instructions in English (because the directions in the box were Japanese) and I never read the directions so I can do its basic things. I'm sure though that this phone has some crazy things in it, but I don't think I will ever figure them out. If you look closely you can see the Japanese symbols for the numbers and stuff like that. Honestly, I don't really like it because I always have to switch the menus to English and its just not as easy as my phone back home. Be thankful though that you live in the States because the plans that you get here are really bad (so I've heard). I don't know what plan I'm on, but everyone tells me that the plans here stink. Anyways I hope you like my stupendous phone because I don't.


At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to post a comment because I , timmy wanted you to put the celle ont he most.


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