Monday, December 04, 2006


Many of you know that I like to wear hats. Typically I wear a hat 4 or 5 times out of the week because I like them so much. Right now my favorite hats are my black Dodger hat and my O’Neill hat. (Go Dodgers!) In Ventura I wore hats a lot and being in Japan hasn't changed that. Kara has noticed that I wear a hat a lot and has often asked me for my hat even if I don't have it with me. On Friday night, Nate and Louise invited me and some friends over for a little birthday dinner and some good apple pie and that night I wore a hat. Sure enough, Kara wanted to try my hat on. Its always fun playing with Ellie and Kara and I especially like seeing Kara try my hat on and start laughing and then play peek-a-boo from there. Anyways I will write about my birthday in another blog, but here's some pictures of my favorite little girls in my hat.


At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOOOOO Cute! Girls just always like to take boys hats don't they? :)



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