Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just doing their part.

So almost everyday when I am walking or bike riding into the base I see people sweeping the sidewalk. These people aren't official sidewalk sweepers or cleaners, but they are out there before their shop opens up sweeping the sidewalk. I have seen people spraying the sidewalk off and doing other things, but for the most part I see people sweeping. At first, I was kind of like "Huh, I've never really seen that before," and now it seems a little more normal, but I still don't think that people see it or do it in the States. It just intrigues me thinking about how their is no specific job, but everyone seems to do it. And when there are a lot of people doing it, its effective. One thing that I have noticed is that most people in Japan do things even if it is just a small part. I am thinking that they do things so as not to be shamed, but I would like to think that people do it out of the kindness of their heart.

I really like the picture where you can see the two different people sweeping because it shows that they are both doing their part. Even though they only swept the 15" by 15" square of sidewalk in front of their store, they still did it. When I go to certain areas I am surprised to see how clean things are. I mean there is always a piece of trash or two, but even in high traffic areas it is pretty clean. Anyways I think that is about it on this subject. I just thought that I could share with you about the sidewalk sweepers. I think they are super cool.


At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jeremy!!!

Your mom shared your blog address with me and I am so glad she did. This is my first time on your site, so I read each of your blogs and enjoyed every one of them so much. It is so neat to see how the Lord is working in your life and using you. What a great blog writer you are and what joy is relayed in your messages. I look forward to your next blog. We are praying for you. Our family is fine. Matt did get shot in the eye with a plastic dart goofing around in the dorm, but we are thanking the Lord that his vision is fine and he is healing. Josh likes being married. Evan is praying about the direction the Lord is leading him. We are praying for you and thanking the Lord for you.

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweepers, rad

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Germ, isn't it the same way with ministry? If every Christian would just step outside their home,room, comfort zone (like you have done) what would be the effect that God could have on the world - TIME FOR US TO GET OUT, clean up the trash in our lives and let GOD shine as being clean, perfect and beautiful. Have a Godly day!
Love ya Bro, Dave

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Just Say Julie said...

love those images


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