Monday, January 15, 2007

My Last (Full) Day

The day after Christmas was my last full day at home. I hadn’t packed yet and we still had some errands to run, but it was a great day. My dad was still sick, but was well enough to hang out with everyone for the day and did all of the activities with us. After running some errands in the morning, my family and I picked up some bagels and walked on the beach. It was about 8 to 10 feet that day, with waves scrapping the pier and lifeguards on duty, and it was a lot of fun to watch the waves and spend time with my family.

We went up to the cross and hung out there for a little while. It was really cool to see the huge swell lines roll in from the top of the point all the way through the pier. It was quite a view. This day was a sad day, but was filled with joy. My emotions were bittersweet on my coming back to Japan and I wanted to get all the time I could get with my family. After the cross we stopped by Corrales one more time and got some burritos.

After that we went home and soon after people started coming over. Our friends, the Short’s, whom we always spend New Year’s with came down and spent the 26th with us as New Years. A lot of friends came by and hung out. We threw the frisbee at the park, played games (yea for Catch Phrase), and just spent time together. I was in and out of my room because I was still packing and getting ready, but I had a lot of fun on my last night seeing everyone and spending time with everyone. I stayed up till about 3 in the morning packing and talking with my buddies Sam and Alex and then woke up about 6 to make sure that I was all ready to go by 7. About 7 or so we got into the car and drove down to LAX.


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