Friday, February 02, 2007

Thailand Highlights: Part #3

The day after our safari we went on our second group adventure. This time instead of riding on an animal we decided to ride an ATV. Another cool thing about Thailand is that you can do anything you want for about 50 bucks. For this adventure we paid 50 bucks for about 2 hours of riding time in the jungle.

About all the instructor told us was to stay in a single-file line on the main roads up to the course, how to start the four-wheel, where the throttle was and where the brakes were. Other than that he let us do whatever we wanted. It was so awesome. The trails we were on were pretty dusty and so I was covered in dust by the end, but I guess if you go in the rainy season it is ridiculously fun because there is so much mud to slip and slide on (and you get covered by it.)

Anyways our group had an awesome time slowing down and then catching up to the group. I got some pretty cool turns in and almost gave Nate a heart attack when I almost lost control on one. (I knew what I was doing.) We stopped every once in a while to see the city from the top of the mountain, which was a little tough because of all the smog, but our ride was a blast. We took some group pictures about half way into our ride (that's how dusty I was half way in) and just really had a good time zooming past each other and seeing how far we could slide on our turns. It was money well spent.


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