Shorebreak '07
An opportunity to know about Jeremy's time and experience in Yokosuka, Japan!
About two weeks ago Japan's most beautiful and shortest season ended. This is the two to three week season when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. It was beautiful! People make special trips to different parts of Japan to view these trees and they are definitely worth the trip. Japan would look a lot prettier if these blossoms stuck around the whole year or even half the year, but after some rain and some good wind all of the blossoms are off of the trees. It literally looks like it is snowing when a bunch of blossoms fall off of the trees. Anyways, here are some of my pictures that I took. Enjoy!
Since being in Japan I have discovered my love for..........chocolate milk. I don't know what it is, but the smooth chocolaty taste of chocolate milk in my mouth is amazing. Before I came to Japan, I wasn't a huge fan of chocolate milk. I mean I liked it, but it wasn't something that I drank very often. However, that changed when I came to Japan. I don't really know how it started or where my first taste of such goodness occurred, but after the first couple of glasses of chocolate milk I was hooked. Almost every shopping list that I give to Louise has chocolate milk on it and if it doesn't, her or Nate will ask me if I still want it. Normally, the answer is “Sure, if you must.”
I like Peter Pan. Many people ask me what I what to be when I grow up and I say Peter Pan. (Which can't really happen because Peter Pan never grows up.) I've put together a Peter Pan costume and even have video tape of me and my buddies watching Peter Pan back in the day.